Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

PRAYER: Talking to my Father

PRAYER: Talking to my Father

I can relate to the reasoning of Matthew 5:43. I love hanging out with neighbors. That’s a good time. Joking around. Laughing. Investing in the lives of people you like. I can handle that. And my enemy?

PRAYER: Talking to my Father

PRAYER: Talking to my Father

The apostle Peter had a question about forgiveness. When he asked Jesus how many times a person should be forgiven, Jesus told the story of a king who wanted to settle his accounts.

PRAYER: Talking to my Father

PRAYER: Talking to my Father

Living in real life means inevitable issues with people in our lives. When those issues arise, and they will, Jesus gives us specific instructions.

PRAYER: Talking with my Father

PRAYER: Talking with my Father

The great author C.S. Lewis says that everybody loves the idea of forgiveness …until they have to forgive someone, that’s true, isn’t it? Forgiveness is a tremendous spiritual truth! What could be better?

PRAYER: Talking with my Father

PRAYER: Talking with my Father

If there was ever a verse torn apart by being ripped out of context so often, today’s passage is it. A popular scriptural reference from the world of “Christian” pop psychology, this verse is to be memorized and written on your bathroom mirror with a permanent marker.

ENGAGE: Talking to our Father

ENGAGE: Talking to our Father

As much as I enjoy the stretching experiences of mission trips, I love getting back home. I looked forward to packing up and heading to the airport to begin the marathon journey back to Pittsburgh. But then, something caught my attention.